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Writer's pictureShannon


When we started this little thing called OurBlendedHerd, we had thought our kids would get involved as well. A couple of weeks ago, Morgan shared in one of Mike's blogs. Today, I'll be asking Camryn some questions to get her perspective on being part of a blended family. She was 7 when she met Mike and his daughters, so she's spent nearly half her life as part of a blended family.

Today, Camryn is 13 and in grade 8. She loves to dance, ballet, lyrical, contemporary, and jazz. Her friends mean the world to her. She's at the age where she wants to take on more responsibility. She just doesn't want to be held accountable for it.

I would describe her as an introverted extrovert. Around crowds, she's quiet and reserved, but in small groups of people she knows, she can be the most boisterous one in the room. She wasn't sure she wanted to answer these questions, but I'm happy she did.

1. What is the first thing you remember about meeting your stepsisters?

I remember meeting them at Candy Cane lane, well actually at the place we got hot chocolate. I remember meeting these random people and then you said we were going to walk with them. But I don’t remember what I thought about them.

2. Did you feel connected to Tori right away? And by right away I mean within the first six months.

Yes. Because you got married within that first year and they moved in months before that, yeah I did.

3. What's the first thing you remember about meeting Mike, your step-dad?

I didn’t have a clue who he was. I thought he was some strange man you were talking to.

4. Do you remember what it was like when it was just the 3 of us (me, you, and your sister).

Not really. I don’t think I do. I was in second grade when we met Mike and the girls so I don’t remember much. I remember school but not living at home. my earliest memories of home at your house are with them.

5. Are you ever upset with me for the time I spend with your stepsisters?


Camryn was very emphatic when she answered this question. I couldn’t get more of an answer from her. She just gave me a crazy look, shook her head and said ”NO”.

6. What do you wish was different about living in a blended family?

I don’t know, nothing.

I can imagine this is a hard question to answer.

I thought Camryn would say “having to share a room” as that’s the pressing issue around here these days, (and why we will be moving this year) but why sit around and wish things were different if it’s out of your control.

7. What's the worst part about living in 2 homes.

Having to bring my stuff back and forth.

I would add here, and not having all of your ‘things’ all of the time. Often the kids want a shirt of something else that’s at their dad’s. My heart aches each time that happens because it’s got to be frustrating for them.

8. What's the best part about living in 2 homes.

There’s more people to love you and take care about you.

I found this answer interesting because there’s really only 1 more person caring for Camryn and that’s my husband Mike. As Camryn said, she doesn’t remember when Mike wasn’t there. She has truly blended families in her mind. 💗

9. When you think of Mike, what's the first thing that comes to your mind?

He teases me a lot. Like A LOT, A LOT!

10. Do you want a large or small family when you grow up? Why?

I think large. I’m not sure why, I just always have.

Camryn has ALWAYS loved family celebrations, traditions, large family gatherings and the buzz of energy when there’s a full house. She has long said she wants 6 kids. We’re hopeful there’s a grandson somewhere in there (referencing past blogs ONLY MAN STANDING and TO BREED OR NOT TO BREED?)

This was fun, thanks Cam 🥰

Shannon, The Herdmother

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