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Writer's pictureMike


I've often wondered what it would be like to write a blog about me....

but from the perspective of my wife....


(cue 'dream sequence' effect)

"What a man"....

That's what I think to myself every morning when I roll over and see the empty spot on the bed left behind by his barbaric warrior of a frame.

He's up early.... again.... as always. I can hear the sound of the ax chopping wood outside even though the woodpile has been stocked for days. "Better too much than not enough" what he'll say without me even having to draw attention to it.

We've been here in our mountain home for five years now. It's a dream come true. Surrounded by nature and away from the noise and distraction of city life we finally have our little piece of paradise. Sure, we can head to the city when we want, for a getaway of sorts, but it always reminds us of why we chose to be where we are now. Home is truly where the heart is.

We've built this empire together through hard work and dedication. OurBlendedHerd was a stepping stone that, while still important today, has opened the door for us to include our passions in our message.

Mike continues with his men's outreach and coaching programs. Empowering men, young and old, with the foundations of masculinity, he is finally realizing the full effect of his calling. His successes and challenges as a husband, a dad, and a man are his blueprints of principle.

When I'm not supporting Mike behind the scenes I'm connecting with nature in one form or another. I've been free of the hum-drum drone of office life for years now. It's been replaced with the lap of hypnotizing waves against my paddleboard or the crunch of snow beneath my snowshoes. I do get to have my moment in the spotlight sharing my gardening tips, recipes, and crafting. All beautiful hobbies I love to share. Still, after all this time, my absolute favourite thing to do is lose myself in a good book down by the water or a roaring fire.

As I head down to the kitchen to make my morning tea he's come in from outside. "You've got sawdust in your hair and your beard," I tell him. "You mean.... MAN-glitter?!?" he answers with that cocky smile. He tops up his coffee in his ‘Dad, Husband, Legend‘ mug, kisses me good morning, and heads outside again. Our two dogs, Bengal, and Raider follow obediently.

As he resumes his chores I think of the man he was when we first met. Somewhat insecure.... OK, very insecure. He used humour to hide this fact and quite convincingly so. We were both forty when we met. And where I had built a successful life for myself as a single mom of two daughters, he didn't have much to show in the same way. But I saw something in him. I saw potential. I saw the man that I eventually married and I also saw the man-child that calls sawdust "man-glitter". I saw him living his best life and doing exactly what he does today. I saw him happy and most of all, I saw him secure.

Our daughters may be off building their own lives and their own stories, but their weekly calls and out-of-the-blue visits always put a smile on his face. Outside he's still rough and rugged but inside he's like melted butter. He adores those girls and he loves being a dad. If you asked him, he'd tell you that it's his most important and most favourite job. When we were all under one roof I was the one teased for being the overprotective mom. But now, HE'S the one that's constantly digging in and asking questions just so he can feel reassured that they're ok. God help us all when we become grandparents.

Whenever he leaves, regardless of how long he will be gone, he always tells the dogs, "watch after Mom". And the minute something is off they are alert and on the defense. They mimic the way he is when he's around. Dangerous on the defensive, never on the offensive. He's always been protective of all within the circle of our family.

He's still my best friend. Even out here together in the wilderness, we value every moment spent together. As busy as we can be sometimes, we're always sure to make quality time for each other, every day, with no distractions. He texts me like we're in high school. Sometimes from the other room. And he still makes me roar with laughter. When we met, I told him "it took me forty years to find you, the least you can do is give me forty years with you." The investments he's made in himself show he wants not a day less.

He still calls me beautiful. He still playfully smacks my ass whenever I walk by. He's still silenced and catches his breath every time I put on something pretty. He's still a witty smart-ass. He still sleeps with one leg in and one leg out. He still steals the blankets. I can hear him brag about me when he's talking to the girls or on one of his calls. He's still genuinely him, after all, this time.

And I love him for it.

He's a Dad. He's a Husband. He's a Legend.

Shannon - The Herdmother

as imagined by Mike - The Herdfather

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