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Writer's pictureShannon

Getting remarried. My journey with food.

Updated: May 26, 2021

I have a degree in Nutrition and Food Science, and my day job is selling whole food supplements. I value my health. I understand I need to make deposits into my 'health bank' if I want to be active and healthy late into my years. I'm 46 years old. My age shouldn't define my limits; my mind takes care of that.

Sweaty, 46 year old, post-exercise Shannon

I remember before we lived together, after leaving the grocery store with Mike. he said: "You spend a lot of money on food." "Yes," I replied. "I choose to invest in my health rather than my illness."

Speed through the next 6 years and my focus on health, hasn't always remained my priority.

So what happened? I'm a pescatarian (I eat fish, eggs, and some cheese) who never bought potatoes. I met Mike. He only ever ate meat and potatoes. Add in the dietary preferences of 4 children and voila, I lost my focus. But make no mistake, that's all on me.

In the last 6 years, I've eaten more bread and pasta than in the previous 20. When I was single, my children and I ate a clean diet. We ate; a variety of grains, vegetables, fruits, fish, and eggs. I didn't want them to be pescatarians. I wanted them to decide for themselves. I knew they were eating meat at their dad's, so I didn't worry about them experiencing a wide range of foods or getting in all their nutrients.

Mike's girls were quite the opposite. Trying to find meals that would appeal to all was challenging. Add in my obsessive need for the meals to be healthy, and how anyone got fed is a miracle?! I must say as the years have passed, eating preferences have changed. My bonus babies have tried foods I never imagined they would. Despite not always loving what was in front of them, they ate it without complaint. Lots of new foods have even become favorites.

Through it all, I have tried to make myself a separate meal. Something more Shannon-friendly. Often what was easy would win. After cooking dinner for everyone else, I didn't want to make a meal for myself. Then I would find myself in that downward spiral you can't seem to crawl out of until enough is enough. I would regain the self-control I needed. Change my eating patterns. Be more consistent with exercise, meditate, and feel 'balanced again.' But you don't have to be a mom of a blended family to succumb to life and the many challenges a person faces.

Last year was an extraordinary year that saw more people baking than ever. Heck, I baked my 1st, 2nd and 3rd pies, homemade pizza crust every week, cinnamon buns, bread, and buns.

Again I found myself not focused on my health and wellbeing until I pressed the brakes, early April.

I asked Mike if he would complete a cleanse with me. Eliminate bread, sugars, cheese, and anything processed. We were aiming for 7 days, and we're at a month. I could do it alone but, it's so much easier when you've got the support of someone. Now that Mike has been sharing the journey of clean eating with me, (I never thought I would see the day Mike would give up potatoes for yams!) I'm hopeful we stay focused on the long term.

Shannon, The Herdmother

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